Saturday, February 25, 2006

More about media

why does the media only report certain things over others. Some of the most stupid articles make the front page everyday and it seems like much more important things happening in the world don't even get reported.

So much for secrets...

Now days the media has reached the level of global coverage. It seems where ever some occurance happens their is always a reporter live at the site in what seems like no time at all. With media at an all time peak, it is hard for anything in the world to happen and remain unheard.

Global media hierarchy

With the giant media companys today is it possible that the media could turn into an incredible political tool for any high administrator of a giant company? i think it could happen some day.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Recently i reallized that the google home page has the most valuable online real estate. I began to wonder if there is actually a business out there that actuall sells online real estate. If anyone can clue me in that would be great.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells may be the next best invention since the telephone or the light bulb. By cutting down on pollution and relying on the most abudant resource on the planet could prove to be one of man's greatest inventions.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I also heard that companies are now going to start calling people's cell phones to sell things and people are still going to be charged for the call. Thats why i registered online for the do not call list and i havent gotten any calls yet
I registered for a discount card at target and they rejected me because i dont have any credit, but they still get all that information about me. I asked myself why they even offered it to a young college student anyway because they would obviously know that i wouldnt have any credit yet. Taget just does it to gain info so they know who to target for marketing.

More AIM

One second thought, maybe the cell phone hasnt replace AIM, but rather reduced the role it plays in society. Because people still continue to get on AIM, but dont sit at the computer and talk it leads me to believe that it serves more as a system to leave people messages for a later time. It is now the modern day answering machine.


Earlier in the week i was wondering why everytime i got onto AOL instant messager, that everyone had their away messages up. I remember several years ago nobody got online and just put up their away message. They longer i thought the more i began to realize that the cell phone has replaced Instant messager.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I was thinking earlier about how TIVO can eventually take over the televison world by recording several channels at once and using the internet to store an infinite amount of information that could be accessable by the user.