Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I recently read an article in the IDS about cheating. It talked about student cheating is being revolutionized by modern technology. People take pictures of test, get sparknotes, and text friends all with their cell phone. I was wondering how many people have actually used their cell phone before on a test or quiz to get answers.


Indiana University once was the most wireless campus in the nation, but now that honor has gone to Ball State. One reason is because our campus is so much bigger. Should campuses be divided into classes depending on their size of campus?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

in today's world I rely more on the internet to get my news rather than waiting for a newspaper. It is much easier to just get online and get instant news.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

march madness

this is the time of year where i dont move from the couch because i just sit all day and watch college basketball. I hear more about the outside world this time of year than i ever do.